Review of the MS Mir-24N

TTX lens MS Mir-24N 35 / 2.0 (aka Arsat H 2/35)
Focal length: 35mm
Aperture limits 2.0-22.0
Number of lenses / groups: 8/7
Minimum Focus Distance: 24cm
Filter diameter: 58mm
The weight: 340 grams

View of the Mir-24n lens on a modern camera

View of the Mir-24n lens on a modern camera

Lens World 24N, presented in this review, has the type N mount and can be installed on modern Nikon SLR and digital SLR cameras without any adapters while retaining the ability to focus on infinity, as well as with automatic iris control. It was released at the Arsenal plant, Kiev. Arsat H 2/35 - this is the same World 24H, just a later release.

Main advantages:

  1. Aperture, which can help in low light conditions. Moreover, it is already fully open quite sharp in the center of the frame.
  2. Control. The auto iris on the Nikon system is a very convenient thing. Also, the focus is very smooth. True, the diaphragm cracks when torsion of the corresponding disk.
  3. The closest focusing distance of 24 cm is good news.
  4. Ability to use at full frame. For those who have Nikon D700, D3(s, x)
  5. The assembly of glass and iron, which will survive the Chinese plastic, as well as us.
Sample photo on Mir-24N

Sample photo on Mir-24N

The main disadvantages:

  1. Chromatic aberrations, especially around the edges of the frame.
  2. Distortion, even on the crop it can be seen.
  3. Poor in lateral and back light. Although it has a multilayer enlightenment. I shot a wedding for them in the church, because of the light through the windows the whole picture lost its contrast very much.
  4. After 3 meters, “infinity begins” very quickly on the focus and getting into sharpness is quite difficult.

The lens is very well shot down, all made of iron. My copy of 1993 release, as evidenced by the first two digits of the lens number. The lens looks great on the camera due to the large diameter of the front lens and its pinkish-purple color due to multilayer enlightenment.

About the picture: bokeh for everybody, not good and not bad. 35mm portraits are quite risky business. Firstly, you need to get close to a person, secondly - excess distortion, and thirdly - not the best bokeh.

Sample photo on Mir-24N

Sample photo on Mir-24N

How to use on modern digital SLR cameras? The ideal option is to install the Mir-24N lens on a Nikon camera, this is due to the fact that the lens is from Kiev cameras, which have the same mount as Nikon. When used on Nikon, the automatic iris control will work - you can focus with the aperture fully open and at the time of shooting the camera will close the aperture to the desired value. More details on how to use old optics on Nikon in my article Soviet optics.

Here a small comparison of the sharpness of two 35mm Nikkor 35mm F1.8 G and Mir-24 lenses.

To open the original image on 24 MP click on the picture or this link. The test was carried out with a tripod - Nikon D90, 2s, ISO 100, F2.0, RAW, converting and gluing in JPEG Q80%, several pictures were taken in Live View mode for accurate sharpness and the best result was chosen. As the test showed, Nikkor turned out to be much sharper at 2.0 for the World-24. You can judge the bokeh yourself.

Comparison of Mir-24n and a modern lens

Comparison of Mir-24n and a modern lens

From personal experience: the lens gives an excellent viewing angle on the multi-sensor and can be used as a fast wide-angle lens in full frame. But I didn’t really like it, most likely that my native Nikkor 35mm F1.8 gives extreme sharpness and excellent light holding on any aperture and is not expensive at all.

You can view sample photos on Mir-24N below. Everything is shot in RAW, conversion to JPEG Q80%, auto levels, resite 1600 * 1200 + watermark.

Catalog modern brand lenses 'Zenitar' и 'Helios' can look at this link.

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.

If you are interested in the MS-24N 35 2 lens, you can purchase it by contacting the contacts in the manual optics section.

Final World: lens can be used as a regular with a nice viewing angle on the cropped matrix, or as a wide-angle fast aperture in full frame. The lens is interesting for its aperture and the ability to easily use a lens of this class on the Nikon system for absolutely no big price.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 184, on the topic: Survey MS Mir-24N

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    Please tell me why when I put it on the Canon 600 d through an adapter, it does not focus beyond 3-4 meters; all that is closer - ok! and then no. What could be?

    • Anton

      Not quite sure of the correctness of his judgment. I have a lens with H mount for Nikon. I recently bought a Canon 600d adapter and the problem is about the same.
      I think this is due to the fact that the adapter is a couple of millimeters but it changes the working segment of the focal length due to its thickness.

    • Anthony Yandeba-Maidansky, Gomel

      You cannot put it on this camera, because you have neither Mir nor Canon. Otherwise I would not have written such heresy ...

  • Gregory

    Does anyone have a slight backlash with this lens with Nikon cameras ???

    • turantino

      Yes. There is such - a little backlash on the D40 and D3100. The backlash is noticeable when moving the carcass in space. When you try to rotate the lens relative to the carcass, there is no backlash.

  • Vladimir

    Dear Sirs! First, the M-24 was developed by the Central Design Bureau of the Arsenal plant, and manufactured by the Progress plant in Nezhinsky. They produced a whole line of bayonenims "N" - "Mir-24", "Kaleinar-5N", "Telear-N", "Yashma", "Mir-20N". I met “Yashma” in Berlin - these objects were used to complete the “Nikon” (optional). Previously, he worked at this plant in the maintenance and repair department. There were practically no failures for these lenses. The diaphragms are not ink, but rubbed with molybdenum (light). I recommend buying samples before 1992. After that, there was a massive replacement of materials

    • Anthony Yandeba-Maidansky, Gomel

      Absolutely true.
      From me - one explanatory and explanatory nuance.
      When buying, if the date of manufacture is so important to you, see mainly the notch on the lens. The passport may contain other production dates. This is understandable: just before the collapse of the USSR and immediately after the collapse (until about 2000), there was a sale of all stale (hidden until further notice) warehouse goods - and Kiev cameras and optics were always in demand, went with a bang, - that's why they adhered to, accumulated ...
      For example, I have a lens on which it says that it was made in 1989, and according to the passport it is stamped by the Quality Department, the date of manufacture is 1991. This concerns, first of all, Mira24N. By the way, this model has replaced the Mir20 shirik. Now I will take a look, I will clarify what it was exactly called. I ordered it specifically, but (it was in the spring of 1990) they sent Mir24N with a postscript: they say, now we are making these, but that one is out of production. Experts said that the new one is not better than the old one ... However, there are other opinions. The opposite.

  • tachyon

    And what do you think is the best Mir-24N or Nikkor 35 / 2.5 series-E lens?

    • Anatoly Snezhan, Gomel

      Mir 24H is not the most successful (and not the most popular, successful) lens in the lineup for Kiev 17, 19, 20. However, I would not compare it with Nikkor 35 / 2,5. The comparison will be, hehe, funny, ridiculous, crooked - for example, like a Ryazan 4-wheeled cart and a 2-wheeled Uzbek cart.

  • Alexander

    Nikkor 35 / 2.5 is in my opinion more preferable.

  • Igor

    No one is looking for an interchangeable shank on the m42 for this lens?

  • Vadim

    Sharp, very convenient focus, in conjunction with the D300 is just a peek, you can admire for hours and not let go)

  • vladimir

    I didn’t take a lot of pictures with this lens, mainly flowers from a close distance of 24 cm, maybe even closer, I set the diaphragm to 2,8, if you focus exactly, all the hairs, texture, clearly are visible on the stem, petals, there are other lenses, but not with such MDF like this lens is clearly its advantage

  • Slam

    Arkady, could you tell me where to get the manual for disassembling MIR 24 N? I got a lens that suffered very badly while lying in dirty water. Searched on the Internet, did not find (

    People, did anyone disassemble this lens? Give some advice!

    Thank you.

  • Vadim

    At close range, a very decent sharpness, no worse than Helios 81N. At infinity, yes, it is weak in this regard. But it is fully suitable as a staffer, for almost any tasks of amateur leisurely shooting. Of the Soviet lenses I tried for sharpness at infinity, I liked only Jupiter 37A.

  • Nicholas

    Guys, tell me please, I don’t know where to start solving the problem.
    Lens MIR-24 35mm f2.0. Nikon D3100 carcass with focusing screen with doden wedges and microrastr. The problem with getting into focus at 1 meter is a miss of ~ 25 cm, moreover, wedges, a microraster, a green dot show a hit, but in fact a significant miss. The LiveView is set correctly, but the video finder has a strong back focus. The previous owner used it on a Nikon FE35 film and said that he did not use the lens due to the fact that it “washes”, in fact it will not get into focus, now I have this carcass, there is also a microster and doden wedges.
    The carcass is adjusted on several other lenses: Nikkor 18-55 VR G, Nikkor 55-200VR G ED, Nikkor 50mm f1.8G, Kaleinar 5H, Biometar Jena DDR 80mm f2.0 everything is fine, fifty dollars falls on f1.8 for sure.

  • Anatoly Snezhan, Gomel

    It takes years to get used to any lens; to finally tame him and your eye. Therefore, do not chase optics ... Even if your money is not pecked by chickens. Chickens are fed with millet, not pyatikhatki.

  • Eugene

    There is a MC MIR 24M, Krasnogorodsky. Is it possible to unscrew the shank M and screw the shank H to the same place?

    • Ilya

      You can, I want to change H to M myself, there three bolts are twisted quietly.

    • Alexander

      It seems to me that it’s not possible, I have the world-24n ms arsenal the same as in the review, and so it had two shanks as standard for Nikon and M42 mounts, I use it on the canon, as far as I know kmz only M42 and without alteration to Nikon will not be natural and the diaphragm will not be controlled from the camera like Arsenalovsky’s, at km44 the shank is like on helios 42 and zenithars under mXNUMX.

  • Vadim

    Rather, that is possible. But in version 24H, a special undercut on the diaphragm ring at the end, for a jump. And if you want to put in place the shank of version M, the shank of H (possibly not compatible, finish it), then the jump will not work either. There is a tail similar to Helios 44M with an A / M fi-switch. Accordingly, if you put a tail under M (in the kit) on version 24H (for Nikon), then it is then not possible to wind an adapter for Canon, for example, they tried to butt on this ledge (skirt). Look in nete, there is a photo.

  • Vadim

    So yes, do not put on version M, an adapter for Nikon without alteration. Simply the thinnest adapter, and play with the adjustment to infinity)

  • Vadim

    Illustrative examples. These are the sides at Nikon's tails.

  • Vadim

    but version M has such a diaphragm drive

  • Yuriy75

    Thank you for the review, I own such a glass very satisfied

  • Amateur photographer_

    It is a pity that the authors did not mention here, but “MIR-24N2 in the first place, it’s even better if we didn’t trim the light (because of the inappropriate blackening of the inner surface and the middle appearance of the color of the other), , nіzh at Nikorіv 35 mm. I have said everything - to be ashamed of both the portraits “Kaleinar-5N”, and “Geliosa-81N”. Besides, the quality of the virobnist is douzhe kulgak. Who's lucky.

  • anonym

    And nothing else, but a total of 25–40 rock bullets to that, I try to stink at the same time. What will you be with Nikor 35 1,8, in such an hour?)

    • The Hedgehog

      And what is the essence of the matter? You are vlashtovuє otrimuvati "taku sobi" like and soothe yourself, how old are you, and an analogous nikkor has not lived 30 years, am I?

  • alexey_laa

    I use it sometimes. Bought because of the large aperture to photograph performances in our jazz club. I noticed that the upper-side light gives a reflected image of the aperture blades on the photo (an example is attached) :). I thought to make a suitable hood for him, while I simply cover it from the light source with my hand.

  • Peter

    I am the proud owner of this lens. In terms of sharpness, my copy is no worse than the Nikkor 40 f / 2.8. Lucky with that. No luck with the fact that it does not click on the carcass :-)

  • Paul

    Tell me please. Focus on infinity does not work when working with d300. With what it can be connected. Similarly with granite 11N. Thanks in advance for your help.

    • Alexey

      on the world-24 N, the focus to infinity can be easily adjusted ...

      • Alexander

        A similar problem with infinity. Tell me, please, how to adjust to infinity?

  • anonym

    I don’t understand his focal length on the crop. I have a d7000 and 2 Nikon 35mm 1.8G lenses and a 24N world, I thought that the focal length on the world should be multiplied by 1.5, but after taking pictures from a tripod I realized that they have the same lens, how so?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      EGF for crop should be recounted for any lens, including 35mm 1.8G. therefore, the viewing angle of these lenses is the same. The only difference is that 35mm 1.8G cannot work properly on a full-format camera.

    • Valery A.

      It is still not clear where the dog rummaged: 24H and 35 / 1,8 are different focal points, but according to Comrade Anonymous from 03.05.15/XNUMX/XNUMX they give the same angle of coverage.

      • Rodion

        Rave. FR are the same - 35 mm. The coverage angle is the same. What's not clear here?

        • Valery A.

          I'm sorry, I was inattentive - I thought 24H has 24mm FR, not 35. And there's nothing to talk about.

  • Mikola Fedorovich

    Multiply focus on both assets by crop. what to enter?

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