Overview of INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

Industar-61 L / Z MS is a very sharp lens, this is not surprising, all Industars are made according to the Tessar optical scheme, which has earned the people the name “Eagle Eye”.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

First impression of the lens - indeed, deep-set glass and the small size of the hole exactly resemble Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 2.8 / 50. The lens has only 4 lenses in 3 groups.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50 in the native case

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50 in the native case

Attention: the lens was produced in different versions for different types of cameras - both for SLR and rangefinder in different versions. The use of Industar-61L and Industar-61 L / D on SLR cameras, as these are rangefinder lens options.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

Due to its excellent sharpness and design, the lens is perfect for macro photography using macro rings, which has earned the fame of not just an excellent staffer, but also a macro lens.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

A focal length of 50mm when used on cropped matrices gives the equivalent of 75mm for Nikon (1,5x) or 80mm Canon (1.6x), which allows you to use it as a portrait lens. The sharpness at 2.8 is excellent, but due to the small depth of field, the portraits obtained do not particularly suffer from excessive sharpness. Nevertheless, I do not recommend it for facial portraits - few people like excessive sharpness on the skin, because in the examples of photographs only nature.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

The lens has a good contrast transmission and resolution even at the edges of the frame (on the crop matrix so precisely). Resolution center / edge 45/28 l / mm. The bokeh is plastic, but due to the design of the diaphragm it seems that in the background there is a grid that is blurred, for a portrait this is not the best option. Lateral and back light keeps tolerably, but not perfectly.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

Of the disadvantages:
1. Small aperture. Nowadays, fixes with 50mm usually have from 1.4 to 1.8 aperture, which is one stop more than Industar 61 LZ. Aperture Industara is explained by its optical scheme, which is aimed at achieving a sharp image, and not at increasing aperture ratio.
2. The number of aperture blades is only 6 pieces and its appearance is rather strange.
3. Front thread at 49mm, which is not very nice when there are a lot of filters for 52mm.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

Of the merits:
1. Excellent sharpness classical Tessar scheme, no worse sometimes and better than the well-known Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar. Gives sharpness both at close and long focus distances. By the way, the inscription “CZJ Tessar” can still be seen on the cameras of mobile phones, especially Nokia, which puts 12MP on mobile phones and proudly signs CZJ Tessar, has become famous for this.
2. Good the ability to use for macro photography (in the presence of macro rings).
3. Not at all a big cost.
4. Multi-enlightenment.
5. Can work with full-frame cameras, for those who are waiting for an upgrade from cropped matrices to FF.
6. A metal construct that will survive all of us for more than a dozen years. My copy of 1986. Age can be found by the first two digits of the lens number.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

Interesting moments: A group of lenses is deeply recessed in the helicoid, which creates a kind of lens hood with step light traps. The focuser walks nicely, the minimum focusing distance is less than 30cm, which allows you to shoot small objects without using macro rings. The diaphragm has a very unusual appearance, which is rarely seen, in the blur zone it gives not nuts, but strange hexagons.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

The most interesting thing is that the aperture turns into an even circle at the F16 value. Yet i expected more sharpness from Industar, perhaps I came across not the most successful copy.

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

I reviewed two such lenses - one with a name written in Cyrillic? 'Industar-61 L / Z MS' and in Latin? 'INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50'.

And examples on a full-frame camera:

Source files can download from this link (9 photos in the '.ARW' format, 200 MB). On camera Sony a7 I used the lens with the M42 adapter - Sony E.


Examples of photos on Industar-61 (this) and the camera Nikon D700 a photographer shared with readers of Radozhiva Vladimir Tuzlay:

How to use with modern cameras?

Lenses with mounting thread M42 (M42 X 1 / 45.5), such as the lens from this review, are very easy to use on almost any modern digital camera (both SLR and mirrorless), for this it is enough to choose the right adapter (adapter). You do not need to carry out any additional steps to modify the lens.

The cheapest adapters can be found at Aliexpress.com... There are adapters (adapters) with a chip that provide more convenience during shooting, usually chips are used to confirm focus and / or metering exposure, and form the correct EXIF. The chip does not affect the image quality in any way.

For some SLR cameras (for example, with the Nikon F-mount), you need to use adapters with a corrective lens, which allows you to focus correctly at all focusing distances. For any mirrorless cameras, such a lens is not needed, and the adapter is a simple decorated hollow metal tube with an appropriate mount.

For SLR cameras

  1. Canon: For cameras Canon EOS with bayonet mount EF / EF-S need an M42-Canon EOS adapter, such an adapter with a chip can be found herewithout chip here.
  2. NIKON: For cameras Nikon DX / FXas well as for cameras Fujifilm и Kodak with a Nikon F mount, you need an M42-Nikon F adapter, you can buy such an adapter without a lens and a chip here, with a lens without a chip herewith chip without lens here, with lens and chip here. Why a lens? Why chip?
  3. PENTAX: For Pentax cameras with K mount, you need an M42-Pentax K adapter, you can buy such an adapter here.
  4. SONY/MINOLTA: For cameras with a Sony / Minolta A mount, you need the M42-Sony A adapter, you can find such an adapter without a chip at this linkwith a chip at this link.
  5. OLYMPUS/PANASONIC/LEICA: For cameras with a 4/3 bayonet mount (not to be confused with Micro 4/3!) You need an M42-4 / 3 adapter, you can buy such an adapter here.

For mirrorless cameras

  1. SONY: For cameras with 'E'/'FE' mount series SonyNEX и Sony Alpha you need an adapter M42-Sony E (aka M42-Sony Nex), you can find it at this link. An autofocus adapter is also available for these cameras. Techart PRO Leica M - Sony E Autofocus Adapterwhich can be found at this link.
  2. OLYMPUS / PANASONIC / KODAK / XIAOMI: For cameras with a bayonet mount Micro 4/3 (Micro 4:3) you need an adapter M42-Micro 4/3, you can find it at this link.
  3. CANON M: For cameras with Canon EF-M mount need adapter M42-Canon M, it can be found at this link.
  4. CANON R and RF-S: For cameras with Canon RF mount need adapter M42-Canon R, it can be found at this link.
  5. Nikon 1: For cameras Nikon 1 Series need adapter M42-Nikon 1, you can find it at this link.
  6. Nikon Z: For cameras Nikon Z series (FX/DX) need an adapter M42-Nikon Z, it can be found at this link.
  7. FUJIFILM X: For cameras with mount X need an M42-Fuji X adapter, you can find it at this link.
  8. FUJIFILM GFX: For medium format cameras G-mount need M42-Fuji GFX adapter, you can find it at this link.
  9. SAMSUNG: For cameras with NX mount, you need an M42-Samsung NX adapter, you can find it at this link. There are no adapters for the NX mini camera yet.
  10. PENTAX: For Q-mount cameras, you need an M42-Pentax Q adapter, you can find it at this link.
  11. SIGMA / PANASONIC / LEICA: For cameras with L mount you need an M42-Leica L adapter, you can find it at this link.
  12. LEICA: For cameras with a bayonet mount Leica M need adapter M42-L / M, you can find it at this link.

If you have any questions on compatibility and adapters - ask in the comments (comments do not require any registration at all).

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

Lenses Industar-61 (I-61) F=50 mm 1:2.8

About the history of lens development: here.

  1. Industar-61L 2,8/50 (LZOS, mid-1960s) – M39 for rangefinder cameras, 10 petals.
  2. Industar-61-Z – for SLR cameras with M39*45.2 mm mount (mentioned in the lens reference book of GOI ONTI A.F. Yakovlev, 1970, v.1, p. 71);
  3. I-61 2,8 / 52 (FED) – M39 for rangefinder cameras, black and silver body, silver ring with depth of field scale. Ten-blade diaphragm. Early type of coating.
  4. I-61 2,8 / 52 (FED) – M39 for rangefinder cameras, black and silver body, black ring with depth of field scale. Ten-blade diaphragm. Late-type coating.
  5. Industar-61 L/Z 2,8/50 (LZOS, 1967-1971), M39 for Zenit SLR cameras. The name can also be indicated in Latin. The diaphragm is of a regular hexagonal shape.
  6. Industar 61-M 2,8/50 (KMZ, since 1971) – M42 for Zenit SLR cameras, limited series, 5-blade aperture;
  7. I-61-M 2,8/52 (FED, 1972) – M42 for Zenit SLR cameras, experimental;
  8. Industar 61-A 2,8/52 (KMZ) – M42 for SLR cameras, with A-shaped mount, experimental;
  9. INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50 (LZOS) – M42 for Zenit SLR cameras. The name can also be indicated in Cyrillic.
  10. I-61 2,8/52 (FED) - for cameras FED-Atlas/FED-11, non-removable, with a central lock.
  11. I-61 2,8/52 (FED) - for cameras FED-10, with a central lock.
  12. I-61L / D 2,8 / 53 (FED) – M39 for rangefinder cameras, black case.
  13. I-61L / D 2,8 / 55 (FED) – M39 for rangefinder cameras, black case.
  14. Industar-61L / D 2,8 / 55 (FED) - M39 for rangefinder cameras, black body. Adapted for use with SLR cameras.
  15. Industar-61L / D 2,8 / 55 (FED, 1992) – M39 for rangefinder cameras, experimental/small-scale production for FED-6TTL cameras.
  16. INDUSTAR-61L/Z MS 2,8/50 (LZOS) – M42 for Zenit SLR cameras, with multilayer coating. The name can also be specified in Latin. It was produced until the 2000s.

Catalog modern brand lenses 'Zenitar' и 'Helios' can look at this link.

Comments on this post do not require registration. Anyone can leave a comment.


Great sharp fifty dollars. Does not have a huge aperturebut can shoot good macro with macro rings.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 331, on the topic: Overview INDUSTAR-61L / Z 2,8 / 50

  • Valery

    INDUSTAR-61 LZ 2,850mm + Canon 550D

  • Valery

    Another photo taken today. INDUSTAR-61 LZ 2,850mm + Canon 550D

  • Sergei

    I61ls fr is actually 52mm

  • Nicholas

    Arkady, thank you for your blog! All the most useful articles about Soviet lenses. And I have a question. I took myself for inexpensive Industar 61 lz. And there is a type of mesh and scratches ala craquelure, on the inner surface of the rear lens. Definitely not a fungus, I compared it from the photo. Feeling that the enlightenment layer has cracked. Moreover, on the inside of the lens. Can this be? There are no scratches in the photo, but in my opinion the sharpness is not enough, although I get into focus. And it's harder to get into focus than on helios. (77m4 and 44m). And such an amateurish question - how can the rear lens be changed? Can only be a donor from another industrial 61 lz or is it possible to install it from some other lenses?

    • B. R. P.

      Enlightenment could easily “climb”.

    • Alexey

      The lens systems of LZ and LD are the same, so the glasses themselves, in theory, should be identical. How identical are the glasses in the frames - this must be looked at. But, given the Soviet unification, there is a high probability of complete interchangeability, especially since the lens blocks themselves are disassembled very similarly.

  • Oleg

    Does it make sense to purchase a version of 61 l / s (1000 rubles), if there is a pair of Helios 44-2, 44-4, and for a mirrorless camera there is 61 l / d?

    • Rodion

      Not really. You already, apparently, have a craving for the same lenses, judging by the two helios)

      • Andrei

        There are never many helios.
        But 61 l / s to take in a pair to 61 l / d definitely makes no sense to take. As for me, the l / d is even better - there is a diaphragm at all values ​​of the normal form, without notches, as in l / z. The only plus of l / z is MDF.

      • Oleg

        Helios got free with photos.

  • Oleg

    Thank you all, I looked at it today, all the petals are in oil, I don't want to bother to clean, I refused, for 800 rubles. gave along with the zenith.

    • Alex

      The oil on the petals is not a problem, it doesn't affect anything. In my copy, the petals are also well lubricated)), but did not disassemble and clean, he limited himself to replacing the grease in the helicoid. It makes sense to buy 61lz only if you need its characteristic bokeks, different at different aperture values. If there is no such need, then for you it will be just another fifty dollars, no more. 61ld is not worse, and I like it even more, its blur is more pleasant.

      • B. R. P.

        Well, how does it not affect anything? The petals glitter more, if there is too much lubricant, it can flow out / climb out in hot weather.

  • Sergei

    The lens gives a flat picture, the aperture gives in the area of ​​out of focus hexagonal stars at some aperture values, which are usually inappropriate.
    For macro photography of machine parts, machine tools and various devices, from microcircuits to elements of precise mechanics, the lens is cool.

  • Sergei

    Strange unit in terms of maintenance. Assembling the helicoid is still a puzzle))

  • Victor

    Hello Arkady! I have such a question, here one comrade on the Internet claims that on a crop of 1,6, the aperture of this Industar will already be 4,5 .... somewhat strange statement in my opinion. I conducted an experiment: I transferred the camera to the manual, set ISO shutter speed, took a picture with a whale lens for crop at focal length 55 and aperture 5.6. I put industrial 61 next and, on the same scale, from the same distance, in the same lighting, I took a picture at aperture 5,6 (as on a whale, the minimum for 55fr). Industar made the frame a little lighter ... something somehow doesn’t fit ... and it seems to me that the statement about turning the aperture to 4,5 on the crop is incorrect ... I don’t have a full frame yet, but it seems to me that this test refutes this statement, what do you say about this ?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      In terms of light transmission, aperture, expressed in T-stops, on any camera with a format of 36 * 24 (full frame) or less, it will still be the same F / 3.5.
      Some recalculate the aperture value in terms of depth of field. On the crop, according to the depth of field equivalent, it will be 3.5 * 1.6 = 5.6.
      Perhaps the user claims about 4.5 based on some of his measurements, usually beginners make these measurements with an error. Don't take it seriously.

    • Timur

      Brad is complete. The aperture does not change with the crop factor, as does the depth of field when focusing from the same distance. Only the frame width changes.

  • Anatoly

    Good evening. I really need advice and advice. I want to build a microscope for soldering and small jobs with long working distance and good quality. There are lenses - Jupiter 37a and Industar 61 lz. For this, I chose a digital camera. https://outfitter.in.ua/kamera-tsifrovaya-dlya-mikroskopa-optima-5.1-mp-927717/ . It is possible to make rings for docking the camera and lens. Can you please tell me if this camera is suitable for my project? I am very poorly versed in optics and do not want to throw money down the drain when buying a camera. Thank you in advance.

    • Rodion Eshmakov

      You need to know the size of the camera matrix that will achieve the desired magnification with the specified lenses. The MBS-10M has a magnification from 4.6x to 100x as standard with a 90 mm lens. A greater working distance than that of the MBS-10m can be obtained using lenses from photographic enlargers - they are designed for finite distances and will work better than photographic ones. For example, you can try Industar-55U (140 mm focal length), reproduction lenses (Componon, Rodagon F/5.6). You can try the format Vega-23 (FR 150 mm) and Vega-24 (FR 210 mm), which are often found inexpensively - the quality will be much higher than that of the I-51, which is common among electronic microscopists.

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    I read the comments ... The conclusion is something like this: yes, not bad, but ...., dark, grid, not so sharp, ... Ie. they only remove the walls and the tags on the machines ...

    • lionesses

      moi carl zeiss planar jena 50/1.8 thorium toze min focus 0.35mm ,znacit to samoje macro?

  • lionesses

    how much lens macro ratio?

    • Rodion


  • Boris

    Industar-61l / s MS. No. 61 ... No light filter is suitable. 49-large, 46-small ...
    Under 49 and there is no thread ... Strange.
    Who has something like this?
    Thank you.

    • B, R, P.

      Photo of the patient in the studio.

  • Amit

    Guys, a question. Will the working area of ​​\u42b\uXNUMXbthe lens change if I put it through two adapters on nikon Z? First nikon z-leica m, and then leica M-MXNUMX. Why is this needed? I also have lenses from the M watering can. And + an excellent adapter with autofocus for manual Leica lenses.

    • Andrii

      “Lens working area” - what?

    • Dmitry

      The optics for the Nikon mirrorless system are so good that non-premium glasses are at least as good as premium ones for mirror systems. Why collective farm industrial on nikon Z? After all, having bought a brand new BMW or Mercedes, it would never occur to anyone to cling to him the exhaust from a Zhiguli or a Muscovite?

      • Rodion

        I do not understand who asked this valuable remark? It is necessary - it means there is a reason. Does Nikon on the Z system have an autofocus lens with a vintage Tessar type circuit?

        • Andrii

          and who has the AF objective Tesar? Maybe at Kenon chi son?

          • Arkady Shapoval

            Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar E 4/16-70 ZA OSS T* (Sony SEL1670Z) [2013]
            Zeiss Vario-Tessar FE 4/16-35 ZA OSS T* (Sony SEL1635Z) [2014]
            Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar FE 4/24-70 ZA OSS T* (Sony SEL2470Z) [2013]
            Carl Zeiss Tele-Apotessar T* 400mm f/ 4N [2002]

            • Andrii

              Mav on uvazi 2,8/50.
              So canon has no tesars?

              • Rodion

                Canon has no tessars or something similar under AF.

            • Rodion

              Well, these are just “tessars”, ahahaha)

              • Arkady Shapoval

                one title :)

          • Rodion

            The pentax has an SMC Pentax-DA 40mm F2.8 Limited with AF, which is a modified Tessar (rear component expanded by adding 1 lens). Marco Cavina has an article about this lens and its origin from Tessar. By the way, it uses a very sickly glass with an index of 1.88, if memory serves.

    • Rodion

      Everything will be ok, you can install.

      • Andrii

        Na Leika M. Everything else is a compromise.

  • vic

    Gentlemen, please help me figure this out. On ALI there are adapters for SONY NEX mirrorless cameras, such as those indicated in the article (thick), and there is a thin one, as in the photo in the attachment. Here is a link to this one https://aliexpress.ru/item/4000239306767.html?sku_id=10000000970121689&spm=a2g2w.productlist.search_results.10.4c844aa6MnfIgB
    Tell me, what is the thin adapter for? Thank you.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      The Chinese simply have nothing to do, they messed something up, confused something, rewrote it, and similar advertisements appear. Possible for convenient work with macro rings

      • vic

        Thank you, Arkady. If I understand you correctly, the correct adapter is a thick adapter?

        • Arkady Shapoval

          yes, like the one from the links in the review (M42-Sony NEX)

          • vic

            Thank you. Good luck to you

    • Ira

      This thin adapter is for helicoid m42.

  • Daniel

    It's funny that photo artists value this lens precisely because of the stars in the aperture, which gives stars on the bokeh. And on eBay they sell them at towering prices. And in the West they are often bought precisely for artistic portraits.

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Copyright © Radojuva.com. Blog author - Photographer Arkady Shapoval. 2009-2024

English-version of this article https://radojuva.com/en/2011/08/obzor-industar-61-lz-ms/

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