Macro Rings - article from Radozhiva

What's happened macro rings - These are ordinary hollow tubes that change the working length of your lens. That is, it is just a tube that is placed between the lens and the camera.

Macro rings

Macro rings

How do they work - Imagine that you are focusing on a fixed lens, one of the old ones, where the entire lens block (all lenses) travels during focusing, you turn the focuser, all the lenses slowly exit (the trunk of the lens lengthens), exit and exit as much as the lens design allows you to. But the focuser spins to a certain value and to extend (push back) we add rings even more. Of course, in modern lenses, focusing sometimes happens in a different way, because the explanations are given just for example.

Rings on macro rings

Rings on macro rings

For whom it will be useful to use macro rings?

Firstly, I meet a lot of people who want to do macro photography, but from my own experience I know that this is not an easy thing that requires a lot of patience, the ability to handle photographic equipment and a lot, a lot of effort. Therefore, in order not to spend your money on the purchase of an expensive macro lens without full confidence in the need and desire to shoot macro, there is cheap macro ring alternative. Macro rings will give you a taste of all the delights and complexities of macro photography and allow you to make the right decisions about whether you need to engage in macro photography or just a fleeting desire.

Rings in the middle of the macro ring

Rings in the middle of the macro ring

When using macro rings, it is important for practice to know that

  1. The length of the macro ring affects the focusing distance; the longer the macro ring (or a group of them), the greater the increase in such a bunch. Macro rings usually consist of 3-6 pieces, depending on the desired approximation they are added to each other, thus making the increase we need.
  2. You can focus just like a regular lensbut it’s much easier and faster to move the unit back and forth.
  3. Actual aperture value decreases. By the way, even when focusing from infinity to the minimum distance that the lens can focus, the aperture value also changes, but not significantly. Although before there were lenses, when focusing on which the slider showed the real aperture value.
  4. As with regular macro, to increase the depth of field should close the diaphragm, and thoroughly until F16-F36 to get the whole macro object sharp. Wherein excerpt will increase greatly, or it will be necessary to increase ISO, therefore, when shooting macro - flash the chief assistant to the photographer. Ideally, for a macro, it would be nice for the photographer to have portable miniature nuclear explosions to illuminate the object, but these are already jokes from a number of fiction.


Photo using macro rings. Flower

Photo using macro rings. Flower

Modern macro rings may be with microprocessor contacts, that is, transferring control from the camera to the lens, and the usual ones - without any contacts, therefore, when using macro rings, you will often have to do everything manually. If you are using rings without contacts, a lens that has aperture control is the best choice. New lenses with internal iris control will not allow convenient operation with macro tubes without contacts.

Photo using macro rings. Flower and insect

Photo using macro rings. Flower and insect

For the examples in this article, I used old metal macro rings that do not support automatic focusing and data transfer from the lens to the camera and vice versa. My rings are made up of 8 elements and have an impressive weight. Photos in the article made with their help, as well as with the lens Industar-61 LZ MS 50mm F2.8.

View of the camera with macro rings

View of the camera with macro rings

Advantages of using macro rings:

  1. Relative cheapness of ringsYou can find very cheap options.
  2. No need to buy a special macro lenswhich is very expensive. For example, the cheapest macro lens for Nikon is the Nikon 60mm f / 2.8D AF Micro-Nikkor, which now stands at around $ 500. The brand new Nikon 40mm f / 2.8 AF-S Micro-Nikkor will most likely not be cheap either.
  3. Easy to install, just add the rings between the camera and the lens and start shooting.
  4. You can squeeze a good Macro from almost any lens.
  5. Normal picture quality, which can compete with the picture from modern specialized lenses.
  6. The ability to shoot super macro in a ratio greater than 1 to 1. If you apply the rings to a macro lens, you can get something like a microscope.
Photo using macro rings. Plants

Photo using macro rings. Plants

Disadvantages (depending on the types of macro rings):

  1. For some cameras aftofocus may be missing when using rings.
  2. Cheap rings do not have contacts for transferring data from the camera to the lens and vice versa. In this case, the possibility of econometrics may be lost.
  3. Conventional macro rings do not have automatic iris control. The aperture must be set manually on the lens.
  4. Lens resolution decreases. That is, the number of lines per millimeter that the matrix can still distinguish is decreasing.
  5. The final picture is getting worse due to amplifications of various kinds of distortions, various parasitic flare-ups, noises and other shortcomings may appear.
  6. The actual aperture value decreases.
Photo using macro rings. Leaf

Photo using macro rings. Leaf

Alternatives to macro rings bellows are used, a reverse adapter, macro lenses, sometimes even a huge number of megapixels for cutting (cropping, crop) pictures. And of course, these are macro lenses, or lenses with good magnification. Another tricky and cheap way to make a good macro is to find in this article.

Small berry through a macro ring

Small berry through a macro ring

Interesting momentthat ordinary soap dishes can shoot macro - this is probably one of not many advantages of conventional digital cameras over SLR cameras with interchangeable lenses. An ordinary soap dish can often focus just a couple of millimeters to the subject and get a sharp picture with a normal depth of field. Due to the small physical size of the matrix, the depth of field will increase. Read more in the article about crop factor.

Photo using macro rings. Chestnut

Photo using macro rings. Chestnut

If you shoot with a macro-ring on a zoom lens, then its zoom (zoom) will serve as a kind of focusing function. I used this trick when creating a video for macro through a lens changer for Granite-11.

Depth of field in macro photography plays a huge role, you must always remember that it is very small, even closing the aperture to 8.0 there is no certainty that the whole object will fall into the zone of sharpness. In the example below, the insect's antennae fell out of the sharply depicted space and turned out to be blurry. Also pay attention to chromatic aberrationthat are amplified by macro.

Photo using macro rings. Insect

Photo using macro rings. Insect

Here are examples of using macro rings with auto focus support. Pictures taken with an inexpensive lens Canon Lens EF 40mm 1: 2.8 STM and a simple camera Canon 350D using the very cheap Meike Macro Extension Tube for Canon. At the same time, the lens was automatically focused when shooting macro, and the camera worked in any mode available to it:

Final World:

Macro rings - an indispensable alternative for peoplewho want to test themselves in macro photography. They give excellent picture quality, excellent approximation, and are not at all expensive, compared to specialized macro lenses.

Do not forget to press +1, tweet, like. Thank you for your attention, Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 238, on the topic: Macro rings - an article from Radozhiva

  • Vadim

    If you apply the rings to a macro lens, then you can get something in the likeness of microsociety.
    Thank you, Arkady, it is very readily written.
    And yet the question is: if the object is flat (for example, retaking grandfather negatives), to what value should the lens be diaphragmed so as not to encounter diffraction, it comes with the rings much earlier. For example, on Jupiter-8 2/50, to ensure normal sharpness, will F8 be enough?

  • Hope

    Hello! Tell me please, but if you set the macro ring to 18-105 (Nikkor), what will the effect be? And is it worth buying them for it at all?

    • Lynx

      The effect will be similar.

  • Dmitriy

    You can still deploy back to front of the lens. Then even a miserable whale turns into a super macro ^ _ ^

    • Kiba

      Which lens was used? The diaphragm will work according to the type of rings.

      • Arkady Shapoval

        Any. Aperture will work.

    • Andy

      Need an adapter. I can’t find it yet.

  • Andy

    Thank you for the article! And from your point of view, which is better - macro rings or macro fur?

  • Catherine

    The situation is as follows. There is Nikon D5100 and there are macro rings without contacts (the cheapest, inherited). I installed them on the camera - everything becomes fine and the lens melts. But the camera does not see the lens and, accordingly, I didn’t manage to shoot anything. It turns out that only rings with contacts can be used for the D5100, or can they somehow be made to work?

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Use mode M.

      • Anna

        I have the same situation. It does not work in mode M. Just a black viewfinder and a black photo. I set the shutter speed to three seconds at ISO 1600 (max) just for the sake of experiment. An image appeared, but rather in the form of a bright, shapeless spot.

        • Stas

          look below everything described like ...

        • Acididmen

          Rather, your device covers the diaphragm as much as possible when turned off!
          try it on - open the hole as much as possible and remove the lens (no matter how scary you are).
          bought a set of 3 rings from China for 300r (along with delivery (total 2 weeks))
          I was afraid that my NEX-F3 shuts everything down, I thought an empty purchase, ..
          but through fear I did the above and the result exceeded all expectations =)

        • anonym

          You need to fix the diaphragm in the open position with something

  • Catherine

    Arkady, tell me, in which case you need to use an additional flash?

  • Vladimir

    I have a Nikon d5100 and a whale lens 18-55. I bought contact macro rings. They work, but to take something you need to get close to the object, otherwise focusing does not work. Yes, and in M ​​mode, in order to remove something, you also need to approach a few mm. Otherwise, the picture is not just sharp, but generally almost indistinguishable. So it should be, or am I doing something wrong?

    • Vadim

      When applying macro rings, you need to remember that you get the opportunity to focus oh how close, BUT you lose the ability to focus on infinity. The larger the macro rings, the closer the maximum focusing distance becomes.
      It’s best to focus manually.

    • Stas

      Yes, I did the same with the whale 18-55, I could not start everything very dark, its diaphragm is closed because there are no contacts, even though the “M” mode. I just took a lens with a manual aperture of 80-55 f105 from a Nikon F3 film so immediately beauty is not a photo but a fairy tale even from a tripod in general the song is selected and adjusted perfectly I did not expect that the D5100 could produce such photos but I forgot the whole thing is highlighted by a flash for 3 rubles Nikon sb 400 and the lens never brought the lens into a tight one, here with all the rings it turns out a distance of 11-12 cm.But this is not a macro, but a microscope) I took a picture of an iron ruler so the metal structure is visible) a shaving blade is generally something like an ax in executioner), but 2 rings of small ones are the most comfortable for shooting, or do not put a wide one at all and there will be a song. try to please. good luck.

  • Anna

    I bought an extension tube for Nikon D3000, for a kit lens. Nothing worked. The viewfinder is dark, the photo is not visible, the camera showed in all modes, except for the manual “no lens”. Then knowledgeable people explained that without contacts, this ring on this lens will not work. You need a manual lens without autofocus. Like so.

    • Max

      it is necessary to lock the diaphragm in the open state by inserting a foreign object under the pin of the diaphragm on the bayonet side. the same problem was.

  • Valery

    Hello. I have Nikon D5100, bought macro rings. But the situation is this: Everything came up very clearly to the lens and the camera body. But, when you turn on the camera itself, the display shows the inscription "Connect the lens" What does this mean? Did I do something wrong? Thanks!

  • Max

    I got macro rings from a Chinese site, I ran into a problem - everything was dark (I was probably also dark) for a day I was looking for why, it turned out that the diaphragm was opened on the d3200 by the camera, thanks to the article about apertures, but here I found a hint - I put it under the aperture tab on the lens from the mount a piece of paper, fixed it completely open and selected the exposure time. I am infinitely happy with the result. I didn't see any microbes, but I got great pleasure from the whale nikon 18-55VR for + $ 10. Fotkal in M ​​mode (I also found out what it is here on the site).

  • Vyacheslav

    Explain the moment. If the rings are with contacts, then they are simply used as jumpers between the camera and the lens, or do they have their own processor that transmits the parameters?
    And further. if there are contacts then can I control the aperture and focus from the camera? (Nikon D90)
    I thought about screwing the contacts on both sides onto the fur.

  • Pastor

    I recently bought myself a macro ring. It turned out to be inconvenient to shoot with them on the whale, the diaphragm was too lazy to clamp by force methods - I took 50 1.8d. At the minimum aperture, even in a room, there is more than enough light (although the depth of field is too small). But the best photos were obtained when I put two studio (the most simple) flash with umbrellas in the light from both sides. The light was soft and the lighting was even. I tried to hang a flash on the camera and highlight it from behind, but 4 light sources are clearly too much. Somehow it turned out completely lifeless. In the presence of 2 flashes, you can shoot at an almost closed aperture without raising the ISO. I only have 3 macro rings, but even with them the photos of coins or the human eye are amazing. I suspect that with proper refinement in the FS, you can achieve a reference picture. So for just 3 thousand rubles (macro rings, plus 50 1.8d), you can make great photos and even sell them. All good shots.

  • Charles

    Arkady, pull up your Russian!

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Send edits, tighten.

      • anonym


  • Vladislav

    paragraph “When using macro rings it is important ...” - point 3 “, when focusing on which the slider” = “focusing”

    the paragraph "Advantages of using macro rings ..." - point 6 "something like a microspoke" = ".. like a microcopy" ("like" - together, but there is just a typo)

    the paragraph “Alternatives to macrorings” - “… not a bad macro” = “not bad” - in this case, together

    paragraph “Interesting moment” - “… the depth of field will increase” = or “the depth of field will increase”, or simply “the depth of field will increase”, without “will”

    the paragraph "Depth of field in macro shooting plays .." - "no" - there is no such word))

    Thanks for the interesting article, I myself used Helios-44-2 + 2 sets of rings on the M42 + Nikon D5100, but you clarified some of the nuances))

  • Paul

    God, they found something to complain about)) Yes, even if he writes in Ukrainian, this is his right. Is the material of the article important for you or correctly placed punctuation marks and correct endings?
    Arkady, an excellent project, I just recently took a step from a digital soap dish to a more or less sane device (Nikon D3100), now I am studying your articles. A lot of questions from the category “How? Why? What for? Where to?". Continue in the same spirit!!)

  • Novel

    Pavel, and that the Ukrainian language is some kind of huckster, why do you compare it with illiterate Russian?


    Good day to all! I read, I read smart useful articles, and because of the errors mentioned above I wanted to leave the site! UNBEATABLE, because we strive for beauty, we want to capture microbes, and we launched our native language, a means of communication!
    Improve yourself in all SPHERES!
    Respectfully, Irina M. Once, 10 years ago, I climbed the grass, chased bugs with Zenith 19. This is a car, I'll tell you! Macro rings and all sorts of gimmicks ... One "great" photographer provoked, saying: Girl, you won't get anything!
    I got angry and took it - my pictures are still exhibited!
    And now I’m thinking of bribing the rings for Sonya (with a macro lens), so that I can definitely print the portrait of Saprofit! Who knows the options? CANON?

    • anonym

      Leave because of mistakes? "will not work" ? Great song about someone else's eye and speck.

    • Alexander Malyaev

      Irina, offhand:

      1. For punctuation and intonation of words and sentences, punctuation marks are used, not capital letters.
      2. After periods, commas, colons, closing brackets, and other punctuation marks are spaces. Except separate cases.
      3. "bombs" are written with two "a".
      4. “will not receive” is written separately.

      This is not counting typos. How can one judge a person who has shared his experience and knowledge with you for an imperfect grammar? Learn to appreciate the labor of others, and not look around for a fly in the ointment. The information that Arkady presents to us on his blog is often invaluable, and you will not find it anywhere else on the vast expanses of the Internet.

    • Marina S.

      Impressed and with great gratitude to the author of the article ………… And you, Irina, I advise you to refer to the articles on learning Russian! And to begin with, learn the rule - NOT with verbs ... .. Look for mistakes in yourself, and not in others !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Yuriy75

    Hello Arkady, dear commentators. The author thanks a lot for the work! And I want to remind the rest that this resource is free, created from altruistic considerations in order to share experience, a person tells you the wisdom of photo-making, methods of saving money without sacrificing quality, and you cling to small mistakes! Shame on you brothers! Thanks to the author again, thanks to this site I bought several Soviet lenses, which I am extremely happy about!

  • Andrey TLT

    Arkady, many thanks for your work.

  • Ksenia

    Good day to all!
    I am "Chukchi". I bought the AF extension tubes. I assembled the structure, but autofocus does not work. Everything is blurry or the photo is just black. I was upset that my pens did not grow from there. Please tell me what settings to set and how to catch the focus. I have a Nikon D7000 kit 18-105. Many thanks in advance to everyone who responded to my universal grief.
    PS: I really want to learn how to photograph macro. I exhibited everything that I read above, but ... ..

    • Dmitriy

      Most likely, you simply do not have enough light to focus the camera system. That drives the motor focus back and forth. You need light to put on the subject. You can call any store, even this one. and they will tell you more.

      • Yarkiya

        Dmitry, at least pay attention to the comment date. For a couple of years, a man clearly found the answer to his question.

  • anonym

    For Nikon, you need to take rings with “contacts” and a “screwdriver”.
    Then you can shoot in any mode (M, A, S, P) with your “favorite” lens.

  • Anna

    I inherited a set of macro rings and an Industar LZ MS 50 / 2.8 lens, installed it with a lensless adapter on the Nikon D90, but I can't focus at all ... help my trouble ...

  • anonym

    What is better to use to get macro:
    - flip lens
    - lens from a rangefinder camera
    - macro rings
    If you combine a rangefinder + macro ring, I wonder what the result will be?

  • Konstantin

    Hello. The question is, probably, to everyone with experience in macro. Does it make sense to take the Nikon F / M42 adapter (precisely from the Nikon lens on the M42) in order to shoot macro through the usual M42 macro rings (It’ll just be cheaper than taking the macro rings to Nikon). Lenses: Whale 18-55, 35-80mm 1: 4-5.6D and 50 / 1.8. Or is it not worth fencing the garden and the usual bunch of the M42 + macro ring Soviet helios, Vega 11u, etc. will suffice?

  • Alexander Malyaev

    Someone can say for sure: what formulas change the minimum and maximum focusing distance, depth of field, magnification of the subject, with the installation of macro rings (consider the increase in the working distance)? Or how to calculate it depending on the length of the ring?

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