Review of the camera Nikon D3000.

Camera Nikon D3000 Is a direct descendant of the well-known line Nikon D40, D40x, D60  Having experience with Nikon D60 I immediately realized that the review will be almost the same as for D60because the Nikon D3000 is just an upgrade D60but still there were some interesting points worth considering.

Nikon D3000 review

Nikon D3000 review

First you need to understand that in the reviews a lot of attention is paid to the technical characteristics or just the characteristics of a particular camera, in Radozhiv we will try to translate strange and incomprehensible numbers and notation in this review into a language that is understandable for lovers of high-quality photos. But this model is aimed at the market of relatively cheap and simple digital SLR cameras.

If you were looking or looking or just reading this review, then you are probably already familiar with the line of low-end cameras from Nikon, this Nikon D40, Nikon D40x, D60, D3000, D3100, D3200, D3300, D5000, D5100, D5200, D5300, D5500 All these cameras are quite similar in management, but each subsequent model has more and more functions and takes better photos and videos.

Features of the D3000 camera that you should pay attention to when buying or just when using:
1. D3000 has a CCD matrix with 10 MP... But do not forget that the megapixel race, for the most part, is not a race for quality, you can take a look at my article Battle of Megapixels. The average amateur can hardly find the difference between 6 Mp Nikon D40 and 10 megapixels Nikon D3000, even on A4 prints. The size of the matrix (physical) remains unchanged for all APS-C cameras (+ - fractions of millimeters). The physical size of the D3000 is the same as D3100, D7000, D5200. At low ISOs, the Nikon D3000 can produce a picture no worse than Nikon D7000.

2.In D3000 no focusing motor for non-motorized lenses. This is one of the most important points for this camera. It is believed that by purchasing a camera with a “motor”, that is, with a lens focusing drive, it will be possible to significantly save money. The question is quite controversial. But the fact remains that a number of lenses will not automatically focus on this camera, which will limit the choice of optics for growth or development in photography. This must be clearly understood and taken into account. For an upgrade after the whale lens, I advise you to take a look at Nikon 50mm F1.8G lenswhich has a huge aperture and will allow you to get an interesting picture with a shallow depth of field. If you need a telephoto lens to reach further, then a cheap option Nikon 55-200 f / 4-5.6G IF-ED AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor will be just right.

3. Matrix Cleaning System. The cleaning system really helps to avoid clogging the matrix with fine dust. This really will rarely allow real cleaning. In the camera, you can specify when the camera will clean the matrix, I recommend cleaning when the camera is turned off.

4. Compact and lightweight... Do not bother with the fact that the camera is made of plastic, and not of aluminum or composites, this gives the camera lightness and you need to understand that the amateur does not need to use the camera in extreme conditions and overload it with work as much as possible.

5. Shooting speed is an important indicator. At D3000 it is 3 frames per second, a normal indicator, the same speed and Nikon D80which is much more functional than the amateur D3000. Again, amateurs do not need 10 frames per second at all, high-firing cameras are needed only for rather specific purposes. The set speed is sufficient for 99% of basic needs.

6. Image quality. Do not believe anyone that this or that camera shoots well or badly. These are just people's prejudices. We can talk about benchmarks, but in real life, the quality of the final image depends on a dozen factors and the camera is far from the first of them. In terms of quality, I will say that it fulfills its functionality 100%, just important how to take pictures.

7. Nikon D3000 has 11 focus points cameras have the same focusing module Nikon D200, D80, D90, D3100, D3200, D5100. More details in the section on focus systems.

8. Great 3 inch display. Unlike the D40 or D60, it’s half an inch larger, but still has the same 230.000 points

9. Must be considered crop factor camera which is equal to 1.5x. This means that the camera when working with lenses will narrow the viewing angle of the lens. And if, for example, you use a lens with a 50mm focal length, then the viewing angle will be the same as that of a 75mm lens on a regular full-frame camera. This is absolutely normal for APS-C cameras.

10. D3000 now works with EXPEED processor

11. Minimum excerpt flashes 1 / 200s, Nikon D40 in this regard, 2,5 times better.

12. The function of rotating the image on the screen in horizontal and vertical position. It is very convenient when the camera is turned, all the information for shooting is turned on the display and any parameter can be corrected without problems.

In brief about the main features - it is an opportunity to change ISO from 100 to 1600 + one HI1 value equivalent 3200. On HI1 I do not recommend shooting at all. Unlike Nikon 40, it became possible to lower the ISO to 100, this will allow you to use fast lenses during the day without fear not to fit into the minimum shutter speed of 1/4000 and get overexposure. On Nikon 40, it’s already quite difficult to invest in 1.8/200 second in the afternoon on F1 and ISO 4000 in the afternoon. The camera has a lot of settings for editing the footage - from working with RAW files, to creating a movie in avi format from photos. Also at the camera, the viewfinder covers 95% of the frame, and you need to remember that 5% of the frame will still be captured on the left \ right \ top \ bottom in the picture.

What I liked when working with the camera:
Weight, the weight is really small. The camera shutter is quiet, quieter than Nikon D40 or Nikon D90. I liked the large display and ergonomics - there are no extra buttons and everything is just elementary to use. There is a great guide for beginners. And the Nikon Multi-CAM 1000 focus sensor is the same as in Nikon D90. I really liked the function of rotating the screen with horizontal and vertical position of the camera.

What did not like:
The lack of a million functions present in older models, but this is a purely subjective opinion. Also, I didn’t like that little has been improved compared to Nikon D60, by and large, only the number of focus points. I didn’t like the small size for the buffer, if you shoot RAW, then already at frame 4 the camera will slow down with a flash drive of class 6. Also, I did not like that when ADL the camera “thinks” much longer when saving a picture. The noise level starting from ISO 800 greatly affects the picture quality; you cannot do without the noise reduction function.

What is the best way to use the camera and what to configure?
The FN button can be programmed by choosing one of several options, I advise you to set the ISO quick change function on it.

To buy this else?
Preferably a pretty bag, the main thing is that it is comfortable, you can buy a bigger bag to fit an additional lens. It is possible and desirable to also buy lenses, first of all, this is a high-aperture fixture and one telephoto lens. The main thing is to remember that important how to take pictures, and not what technique to do it on.

He shared his photos Radmir Karimov:

Nikon D3000+  Nikon AF Nikkor 85mm 1: 1.4D.

What upgrade can I do after Nikon D3000? If you decide to change your D3000 to another camera, then I recommend switching to class cameras Nikon D90, Nikon D7000or on the camera of a similar amateur class Nikon D5100, Nikon D5200.
Nikon D3000 has proven itself by showing excellent ergonomics and ease of operation. Tips will always help a beginner to navigate the settings, and flexible firmware will allow you to quickly and easily use the camera for any purpose. Who wants to upgrade after Nikon D40, D40x, D60, D50, D70(s) - will not receive anything particularly new.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

Add a comment: Michael



Comments: 481, on the topic: Review of Nikon D3000

  • Andy

    Good afternoon. Please tell me, I'm suffering the second day and I just can't figure out what I did with the settings that I can't use the camera normally .... At the moment, when shooting in automatic mode, the release can be done by pressing the shutter button as usual. after setting the focus, press another button near the viewfinder ... .. as I understand it, this is how the focus is captured and after that the shutter is released .... There is no way to return to the normal mode ....

  • Andy

    yes it is this ... shooting is done when pressed only in conjunction with it

  • Andy

    how now to get rid of its functioning and return to the normal shooting mode .... and another question ... is there an opportunity to return to the factory settings? thanks for attention to my question

    • B. R. P.

      Setup mode menu (with wrench image). Item Buttons. AE-L / AF-L button. Choose an item other than AF-ON.
      Reset settings in the same menu (wrench). Should be named “Reset Parameters to Settings”.

      • Andy

        thanks for the clarifications .... I will follow your recommendations and write the result on Monday just now

  • Andy

    Alas ... The above actions did not lead to a positive result ... All the shooting is also done with the participation of only two buttons ... I read it on the network like everything that is possible. Unfortunately, I did not receive an answer.

    • B. R. P.

      It’s sad. And it’s strange.

  • Andy

    Today I discovered a strange feature that prompted me to think, is it not the lens? when set to 18, everything works as it should, when shifted, it does not focus correctly and the release does not occur ... what would that mean?

  • Andy

    No .. After all, the camera is faulty .. Today I took another lens - the result is the same ... Focusing does not occur in automatic mode, in this connection the shutter is not released. Tell me what to do?

    • Denis

      if it focuses only on 18mm on both lenses, then it is faulty

    • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

      Is the mirror clean?

  • Andy

    yes ... the mirror is clean

  • Antokha

    I decided to share what I shot for 3000 with a whale. Not even with some other glasses, but with a whale. I bought a camera ... or rather bought myself a 90mm f50 nikkor glass on the D1,8, and they gave me this camera in my bag for change. The person simply did not use it, and the mileage is not great, and it seems like a good friend, but her parents bought him ... five years later, he decided that he still did not take pictures and posted it on slando. Here, in general, is the background)))

  • Matronik

    Hello, please tell me, will the camera with a Sigma AF 24mm f / 1.4 DG HSM lens work? This refers to autofocus. After five years of using the Fuji x100, I want something more realistic in the image. I bought a Sigma dp2 Merrill, but it has too many limitations, shortcomings and no viewfinder. Watering can and Sony are expensive. And if not the D3000, then maybe some more modern? If you buy a used one, you can keep within 45000 rubles. I’m ready to give more, but I don’t understand what could be. Need a 35mm equivalent lens and the most compact body with a viewfinder. Thanks for the tips.

  • Sergei

    Tell me please. An eyecup flies on the NIKON D3000. I saw an eyecup made of plastic plus rubber. How does it fit and how does it hold?

    • Michael

      If the eyecup is for your camera, then everything will hold. And this one flies, perhaps because the clips are broken.

    • Denis

      Chinese from Aliexpress do not hold on and fly off. native holds

  • Sergei

    Denis.And the Chinese you are writing about are completely rubber or plastic? Thank you.

    • Denis


  • Alexander

    Tell me, which is better to take: Nikon D3000 or Nikon D40? It's just that they are now at almost the same price (if we keep in mind the small runs).

    • Denis

      At D3000 it is believed that Skinton is not such a good one, despite the fact that there is also a CCD, so if I want to join the old technologies, I would choose D40
      and instead of the D3000, I would rather choose the D3100

  • Sergei

    The D3000 has the best focusing module, processor, larger screen. I think it will be more convenient for you. Read the reviews of both and determine which is more suitable.

  • Sergei N.

    Please tell me, is it possible to output from this camera through the output, which next to yuesby is more or less a decent picture on the TV screen? I tried the usual jack-tulip cable that came bundled with the D90. The quality is terrible. Maybe some special cord is needed, or it won’t be better through this output?
    I'm used to processing RAW on the D90 in a camera connected via HDMI to a TV set, but on the D3000 this doesn't work - the quality is bad and everything is blurry. It even distorts colors.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Unfortunately, on d3000 it is impossible to do on d90.

  • Victor

    how to set the nikon d3300 4: 3 aspect ratio
    thank you

  • Konstantin

    Good time of day Arkady, as well as pros and advanced photo lovers. I want to ask you a question: what, you say for a bunch of Nikon D3000 and Nikon N AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm 1: 4G ED VR SWM IF Aspherical Nano Crystal Coat. Nikon D3000 already have. Please clear my doubts. Thanks in advance

    • Michael

      There will be no wide angle, the lens weighs 1.5 times the size of the camera. But doubts are different, better in a more concrete way.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      Yes, there will be problems from a wide angle, but in general this is a good lens, including on the d3000. If you need a station wagon, it is better to own 17-55 / 2.8 or third-party ones, such as Sigma 17-50 / 2.8, Sigma 17-70 / 2.8-4 C (analogue 24-120 / 4 for crop) or Tamron 17-50 / 2.8 OS .

      • Konstantin

        Thank you very much for the answer, a little thought up. The choice fell not by chance on this lens, since in the future I would like to switch to FX. So I think that from the beginning to take a carcass or lens, that’s the question. Fix I already have Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm 1: 1.8G

  • Timer

    I wanted to try with the Nikon D3000 to start the flash of the Meike Speedlite MK-320 N for Nikon, or we need to take something more serious. I am attracted to this flash by its compactness and price. Thanks.

  • Igor

    Good evening everyone! Which amateur camera is best for restaurant dishes need detail. Thank you!

  • Igor

    Macro shooting

    • Novel

      Any. Even an old 12-megapixel one - with a head. Light is the most important thing, the lens is in second place even. Well, and a tripod, of course.

      Macro is the ability to reproduce objects on the camera's sensor at life size (1: 1) or larger. That is, if, for example, you have a 36x24 matrix (or 24x16 there), this means that a 36x24 piece of your food will take up the entire matrix (the entire screen). If your task is not to photograph individual eggs or details of each sprig of parsley, but more or less a whole dish, even a tartlet, you don't even need a full-fledged macro lens, just a more or less decent fix (well, or even a good zoom).

      But the light decides. A lot of light is needed to make it look good on 8-11 aperture. And this light should be interesting.

      • Igor

        Thank you very much for your reply!

  • Igor

    Can the D3000 take great pictures?

    • Denis

      the most useless acquisition: old, low dynamic range, no video, like all CCDs, but no longer the color that D40 had ...

      • Igor

        The fact that junk is clear)

  • Igor

    With lens 18-55

  • Igor

    Given that there are 10 pixels, will not quality be lost when printing on magazine sheets in the menu

    • Denis

      enough megapixels. I generally noticed that on the posters that seal the windows in the shops and on which the products are displayed, the pixel sizes reach 5 centimeters :)

      • Igor

        From amateur, what is better to choose for such photography? I know how to photograph and serve my dish on the photo, but I can’t pick it up if for printing on the menu

        • Denis

          any. just of all the D3000 is the worst choice, although it will work too

      • Igor

        Thank you!

    • Novel

      With a print resolution of 300 dpi, the D3000 will print 30x20 cm without a problem with a full photo. - here's an example with 500px. It is clear that processing, but sharp, juicy and good.

      This is a seditious thought, but any camera, starting with about D40 / 400D, is suitable for solving most typical photo tasks. And for studio work, in most cases, even a whale lens is suitable. All subsequent development of photographic equipment is a matter of convenience and additional functionality. Shooting video, sensitivity in the dark (no noise), wireless interfaces, a rotary screen, autofocus points and the quality of its work. The resolution of the matrix for some specific tasks, the definition of faces, auto modes. The base has not changed fundamentally for ten years.

      • anonym

        Roman, following your logic, the appendix can be removed with a regular knife by hitting the head with a bottle instead of anesthesia, and everything else is excessive functionality))))
        Or for trips there are enough carts without springs, does it go? )))

  • Igor


    • Valery A.

      Take the cheapest (the same d3000), and study the topics -lighting when shooting food, -processing digital photos.

  • Artem

    Good day. Tell me with the choice of the first DSLR, I can not decide between d3000 or d3100 (the difference in price is 500 rubles) or as an alternative to d50 (2000 rubles)

    • anonym

      Try and buy what you like. There is no difference to start.
      Do not be surprised if the smartphone shoots better, see Arkady's article on this.

    • Semen

      Take the one with less mileage.

  • Hamlet

    I consider the best (last on ssd-matrix) camera.
    1. SSD matrix (the most correct colors)
    2. More (11) focus points (compared to d40, d40x, d60, d80)
    3. Large display 3 ″ (compared to d40, d40x, d60, d80)
    4. No swelling and peeling gum (as in other Nikons, a sore spot)
    5. Lightweight, both in weight and control.
    I took myself recently for $ 50 with a whale of 18-55, I will sell the whale.
    With a good lens, the D3000 gives a great picture. I also have a D5300, I love it very much (a large 3.2 ″ swivel display, a resolution of 24 megapixels, an excellent dynamic range, 39 focus points), but the picture from it (in color) was not even close to the picture of the D3000. And the resolution is yes, but !, with such a resolution and such a small pixel, it is harder to avoid micro-blur.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      The d80 has the same focus points + shutter priority mode for AF-C.

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