Overview of the lens Jupiter-37A.

Legend of the last century, the national lens - Jupiter 37A 3,5 / 135. He is called a small telephoto or a large portraiture, which is true. Jupiter 37-A takes first place in my vote on the best Soviet portrait lens in the range of 85-135mm.

Jupiter 37A Lens Overview

Jupiter 37A Lens Overview

Jupiter-37A has interchangeable shank, which is marked on the lens with the letter "A". Replaceable shank allows you to change the "rear" part of the lens, which attaches it to the camera mount. Regarding the replaceable shank, it is necessary to erect a monument to domestic manufacturers for this ingenious move. With the help of an interchangeable shank, this lens can also be attached to cameras under the M42 thread or "H" mount.

Changing the size of the lens Jupiter-37A 3.5 135 when focusing from infinity to MDF

Changing the size of the lens Jupiter-37A 3.5 135 when focusing from infinity to MDF

How to use with modern cameras?

'A' lenses with an interchangeable shank, such as the one in this review, are very easy to use on almost any modern digital camera (both DSLR and mirrorless), just select correct adapter. The replacement 'A' shank usually has an external M42 thread and an 'H' mount (similar to Nikon F). For use on modern cameras, the easiest way is to add the required adapter from M42 to the desired system or from Nikon F to the desired system to this shank.

Jupiter-37A on the ZK

Jupiter-37A on the ZK

In times of mass use, version with MS was twice as expensive as usual, which actually affects the quality of work. Nevertheless, a lens without an MC feels great with the hood installed. The lens hood can be worn backwards, the hood has special grooves that allow it to be screwed in the opposite state into the thread for the light filter. I know of only one Soviet lens that allows you to put on the hood backwards - and that is Jupiter-37A.

Enlightenment of the lens Jupiter-37A 3.5 135

Enlightenment of the lens Jupiter-37A 3.5 135

Most likely, Jupiter 37A became a copy Carl Zeiss Jena DDR MC Sonnar 3,5 / 135 (Sonnara / Zonnara). Both lenses are pretty good, but narrowly focused experts say that the Sonnars are nevertheless better assembled and give a slightly sharper image.

Enlightenment of the rear lens of the Jupiter-37A 3.5 135 lens and the view of the aperture blades

Enlightenment of the rear lens of the Jupiter-37A 3.5 135 lens and the view of the aperture blades

Positive aspects and their brief description:
1. Cheap. Of course, in our time it can be obtained at a fairly low price. This is due to its mass production. This allows novice photographer to get a great picture for low cost.

Interchangeable shank and lens Jupiter-37A

Interchangeable shank and lens Jupiter-37A

2. Normal enlightenment. But even such enlightenment avoids unnecessary glare, Zaitsev. Removes fear of back and side light. But nevertheless, Jupiter-37A is a little afraid of flare and gives a light veil in the generated image.

Hood on Jupiter-37A dressed back to front and in normal position

Hood on Jupiter-37A dressed back to front and in normal position

3. The lens came with a wonderful case with the emblem of the 80s Olympiad. The lens hood and lens hood are conveniently placed in the case. You can see how the lens cases look here и here.

The difference in the enlightenment of the MS and non-MS version of the lens Jupiter-37A 3.5 135

Difference in enlightenment MS and not the MC version of the lens Jupiter-37A 3.5 135

4. Lens hood in delivery. The metal hood is quite long. It sits very well on the lens. But here is one minus of the lens hood that it is metal, it adds extra weight and when screwing the metal into the metal, the lens hood wedges and then it takes a lot of effort to unscrew it back. So I do not advise tightening it up much.

5. With interchangeable shank. I wrote about this at the beginning of the article. Allows you to use photo systems with different working lengths.

6. As many as 12 aperture blades. Therefore, it can act as an excellent portrait lens with smooth circles to blur the background (it has good bokeh).

7. Non-fixed stroke of the iris ring. Let me explain - the ring does not have fixed aperture values ​​of type 4.5, 5.6, 8, but has a continuous stroke ring. This is very useful when shooting video, when you can smoothly close and open the aperture (and not jerkily at fixed values)

8. The large stroke of the diaphragm F3.5-F22. Pretty maneuverable lens. Jupiter-37A has a function of preset diaphragm... To use this function, you need to strangle the aperture ring towards the camera and release it at the desired aperture value. After that, the diaphragm will close only to the specified value. This is quite convenient when working with manual optics - to focus on a fully open aperture, quickly close to the desired value and shoot.

9. Metal case... As they say - give the people bread and circuses, and here - give glass and metal.

10. It works in minus 15 to plus 45 ° C, it is nice to read about it in the instructions before going on a winter photo walk.

Features and their brief descriptions:

  • The weight. Over 400 grams, makes you feel all the "power" of the telephoto. But still heavy.
  • The location of the diaphragm ring itself is rather inconvenient.
  • Close focusing from 1.2 meters, you can forget about macro. The focus ring rotates 270 degrees.
  • The thread of the filter is 52 mm, which is a fairly popular diameter.
  • The lens has 4 lenses in 3 groups

On the fully open F3.5 aperture, you get slightly soft excellent portraits, but if you close it, then the sharpness is enough with the head for almost all tasks. What does my copy without MS, 1980.

From personal experience using:

I shoot on Jupiter-37A, even when there is very little time to set the sharpness. The picture is excellent. I really like its contrast, although sometimes it seems dull, in the editor it can be made simply incredible. At aperture of 3.5, you can shoot portraits without fear for the soapiness of the glass. Impressions are pretty positive. Here's another interesting comparison of Jupiter-37A and Kaleinar-5N. Jupiter was slightly better.

But if you need to shoot at least slightly moving scenes, then I would prefer any autofocus telephoto, even if it is a zoom and even if it is very dark (does not have enough aperture) and even if from the manufacturer’s know-how, for example, similar to very cheap Quantaray 70-300mm 1: 4-5.6 D LDO MACRO.

Sample photos on crop (APS-C, Nikon DX)

All photos in the gallery below were shot on the APS-C Nikon DX, crop 1.5x. No processing. Reduced size to 2MP, imprinted data from EXIF.

Sample photos on crop (Canon APS-C)

All photos in the gallery below are shot on APS-C Canon 350D, crop 1.6x. No processing. Reduced size to 2MP, imprinted data from EXIF.

Full-frame sample photos (FF, Nikon FX)

All photos in the gallery below are shot on APS Nikon D700 FX Without processing, in JPEG L, VI mode, the size is reduced to 3MP, data from EXIF.

All photos in the gallery below, too, were shot on APS Nikon D700 FX Without processing, in JPEG L, VI mode, the size is reduced to 3 MP, data from EXIF.


Photographer shared examples of photos on Jupiter 37A 3,5 / 135 with readers of Radozhiva Lilia Nemykina:


Examples of photos on Jupiter 37A 3,5 / 135 (This one) and the camera Pentax K10D a photographer shared with readers of Radozhiva Yuri Leo.


More sample photos on Canon 600D and Jupiter 37A 3,5 / 135 for Radozhiva kindly provided Alexander Frolov.

There are several modifications of JUPITER-37, produced at different times:

  1. MS Jupiter-37AM 3,5 / 135, 1990-2002 (prefix 'MC' is placed before the lens name)
  2. Jupiter-37A 3,5 / 135 МС, 1983-1986 (the prefix 'MC' is placed after the lens name)
  3. MC Jupiter-37A 3,5 / 135, 1986-1989 (prefix 'MC' is placed before the lens name)
  4. Jupiter-37A MS-N-30 3.5 / 135, 1983-1984, very rare
  5. Jupiter-37A 3,5 / 135since 1978
  6. Юпитер-37AМ 3,5/135, 1990-2002
  7. MC Yu-37A 3,5 / 135, from about 1978
  8. U-37AM 3,5 / 135 MS

Catalog modern brand lenses 'Zenitar' и 'Helios' can look at this link.

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Final World

Jupiter 37A 3,5 / 135 - good lens. The lens has a pleasant background blur and excellent sharpness starting at its widest aperture. Jupiter-37A is one of the best Soviet portrait lensesIt is easy to install on modern DSLR cameras with an interchangeable shank system.

Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

Add a comment:



Comments: 1 365, on the topic: Review of the Jupiter 37A lens. Lens Jupiter 37 A.

  • Jury

    It seems to me that I already want to have it in my arsenal.

    • Alex

      Why not? They are quite inexpensive, even if they don't come in, you can easily sell them for the same money.

    • Nikolaz

      magu pradat vam

  • Konstantin

    Good day. Question about the "original, factory" KP-A / N adapter. Can you please tell me why there is a groove on the inner surface of the ring, where the Nikon-F shank petals are located? Is it a thread? or just knurling? Judging by the measurements, the step is 0,5 mm. The inner diameter at the tops of the groove is 40 mm.

    • Jury

      this is not a thread, you do not need to screw anything there :)

      • Konstantin

        I was not going to screw anything in there :-)
        I make Drawings for this adapter, take measurements from the "original factory" one, and this cutting interested me. Do you need to transfer it to the drawing or not? If this is not a thread, then why was it done at the factory then? They just don't do anything like that.

        • Victor

          I will assume that this “thread” is designed to minimize parasitic reflections from the inner surface of the adapter :-)

          • Alex

            That's right, this cut was made precisely to combat multiple reflections. It's the same in Chinese metal hoods, and in some lenses with a recessed front lens (Industar-61ls, for example).

          • Konstantin

            Got it, thanks for the answer. So we will repeat it in the drawing. The thread pitch, I think, is not very principled. Very small, with a thread gauge like 0.5 mm coincides.

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    "Close focusing from 1.2 meters, you can forget about macro."
    Shot with this lens on cameras Samsung NX1000, NX3000, Sony Alpha NEX-C3, Sony A5100. Everywhere MDF 98cm. Considering the good sharpness of the lens, you can crop, it turns out well. Here are a couple of photos without the macro rings, taken with a Sony A5100 camera. The first is the original with the selected crop, the second is the crop. The third is the original, with the selected crop, the fourth is the crop.

    • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№


      • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№


        • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№


    • Novel

      With all my desire, I cannot call the sharpness high by modern standards, even on a “full frame” (which is a crop in fact). Crop from a crop, of course, is completely unacceptable either in sharpness or in a sphere.

      In general, it is interesting, even in Arkady's photo, the image in the blur zone is covered with a characteristic white veil. I once had a monocle from Jupiter, and there, even on conventionally “sharp” shots, this effect was observed in an exaggerated form, but here only in bokeh. Perhaps this is the reason for the similar nature of the Zonnars' bokeh?

      • Valery

        What does a crop from a crop mean, you will understand the concepts. For that matter, the most complete full frame you use is actually cropp and how small it is in relation to the first 100 year full frames.

    • Andy

      Tell me what adapter is needed to put jupiter 37a on sony a58 ??????

      • B. R. P.

        Don't mock. Add more signs

  • Nika

    Tell me, what is the adapter for the Sony A6000?

    • B. R. P.

      M42-Sony E.

  • Andy

    Hello. Will this lens with Lushnikov chip work with nikon z6 camera?

  • Alla


    I am looking for a used, but we do not have it for sale. Can you ship to Kazakhstan and how much will it cost? thanks

    • B. R. P.

      They don't actually trade here.

    • Basil

      Alla, what exactly are you looking for? Adapter or lens? In principle, it makes no difference, both are constantly “hanging” on sales sites in KZ.

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    My last photos are on Jupiter 37A. I am happy with this lens.

    • B. R. P.

      Cute pics.

  • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

    My last photos are on Jupiter 37A.

    • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

      I am happy with this lens.

      • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№


        • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

          And the last one.

  • Paul

    How is he with the radio phone? foniyat lens or enlightenment? Is there an article on this topic in general?

    • B. R. P.

      There is nothing fonit there. Where did you get this nonsense. There is no such article here and it is not necessary. Google easily searches for a list of focal lenses. There are no Soviet ones among them, some old Japanese (eg Takumaras), etc.

  • Igor

    Recently I bought myself one, as it turned out, in addition to the hood, there is also a light filter with it, it is in the lid of the case, the seller did not even know. I took it for 2300, in very good condition, of course, with the symbols of the Olympics 80. Interesting lens.

    • B. R. P.

      2300 rubles, I hope?)

      • Igor

        Of course, the hand would not have been raised for hryvnia.

        • Igor

          Damn, hryvnia, greens.

  • Eugene

    I have been using this glass for a year and a half, and I am completely satisfied)
    Not bad for astrophotography, and excellent portraits.
    The other day I took the second one, I was with Zenit-E, + Industar 61 L / W, + flash and everything for 500 rubles, straight jackpot) State of both Jupiter and Industar as soon as from the factory)

    • Eugene

      A little more astrophoto)

      • Eugene

        Well, a portrait from him)

        • Sergei

          Also interesting for which camera.

          • Eugene

            I photographed on a canon 650d, but I also photographed on the 450d with Jupiter for a year and a half, the quality is no different)

    • Dima

      Eugene, what camera was it filmed with?

      • Eugene

        canon 650d

    • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

      Describe in more detail the shooting conditions of Andromeda

      • Eugene

        ISO 3200 F / 3.5 109 frames for 5 seconds, and 10 frames for darks, biasses and offsets.
        Filmed at the top tier of clouds, Andromeda was at an altitude of about 40 °.

        In the city, the backlight is average, but with good eyesight it allows you to see Andromeda with the naked eye

        • R'RёS,R ° F "RёR№

          Thanks! That's what I did. Truth without darks, biasses and offsets.

  • Dima

    Please give some advice on choosing a lens. I'm trying to figure out what I want to buy :)
    For the terms, I ask you not to kick, as I understood, I wrote so.
    I shoot with 1/2 crop - Panasonic m4 / 3.
    With the use of a speed booster, this lens (and others recommended as portrait lenses with a focal 85 mm) will give approximately 120 mm EGF, which, in my opinion, is a bit too much for a portrait lens because sometimes it is not possible to move away to the required distance.
    Most of the portrait lenses you are considering have exactly 85mm FR.
    When recalculating, it turned out that I needed a 60 mm manual fix in order to get the same 85 mm on my camera. Or am I wrong?
    If you are right, can you advise something from the arsenal of 50 or 60 mm inexpensive, but Quality manual crop lenses?
    Inexpensive and high quality - I shed a tear myself ...

    • Dima

      And another question is this.
      On sale I saw Jupiter 37A without the letters MC, but the glass is clearly with some kind of coating - there is a reddish-copper tint of the front lens. It happens - there are no letters, but there is a cover?

    • Dima

      What a hell! Please remove the comment.
      Confused about lenses and phased array.

      • Michael

        And you do not count anything and you will not get confused) 60-70mm on a micro is quite enough as a portrait lens

        • Dima

          Thank you.

          Now you need to find a suitable lens. :)

          • Michael

            Better something modern, under the micro, otherwise you will shed a tear) The matrix is ​​small, demanding for optics. Sigma (60) and Samyang (50) have good ones

    • Igor

      as an option - or any fifty dollars (50 / 1,7-1.4) with an adapter,
      or a conic hexanon 40 / 1.8, also with an adapter for m4 / 3, on crop 2 it will give the equivalent of 80mm ...
      and no boosters...

  • Dima

    Dear audience :)
    Please tell us what is the difference between adapters from M42 to M4 / 3?
    I see two main types on sale: flat ring and cylinder.
    About the second it is written - with compensation of the flange.
    Do I understand correctly what you need to buy in the form of a cylinder?
    The ring is a stupid thread adapter, and the cylinder is an adapter from the FF system to m4 / 3?

    • Michael

      Should be in the form of a cylinder. Micra has fewer working cuts

  • Stanislas

    I bought a seemingly good copy: the front lens is clean, the curls are smooth, the body is without scuffs, it was placed in paper and its own container, it smelled like something oily. According to the assurances of the former owner, the lens was tried several times back in bearded times and then kept in a closet until recently. After the purchase, during a closer inspection, I found a thin strip of a substance I did not understand on the inside of the rear lens. Is it grease or fungus? Should I give the lens for cleaning or is it okay?
    Thank you!

    • Rodion

      Not worth it, it won't affect anything much.

    • Ledogor

      Same lens - such back lens problems. I did not notice artifacts from these strange kind of stains in the pictures. I didn't bother with cleaning, and we don't have specialists. Siberian wilderness :))

    • Alex

      It looks like grease. You can, of course, unscrew one fixing ring with scissors and wipe this lens, but there is not much sense in this, because. the very edge is not involved in the construction of the image and with a probability of 99% it will not affect the pictures in any way. Most importantly, do not shine a flashlight into the lens, otherwise you will have to disassemble and clean it for sure)).

    • Stanislas

      Cool lens, I really like it.

      • Stanislas

        Although a telephoto, but the thing is universal. Both a portrait and a subject. If desired, it can pass for a hammer))

  • Oksolin

    like Jupiter-37A 135 / 3.5 compared to Vivitar Auto Telephoto 135 / 2.8
    needed for Canon 450d

  • Victor

    Vipadkovo knows a good lens on OLX. I don’t take radio lenses, but here the price calmed down - 800 hryvnias for two lenses (+ Helios 81N). I will say that the object of infidelity is Jupiter. Appropriate for non-vaping photography in nature, kindly conveying natural colors. Vicorist yoga sound with Nikon D610. And on the Nikon D300 it is converted to the right telephoto lens.

  • Svetlana

    On the website, Jupiter is sold with an adapter 4900, is this an interesting assembly? The same effect on the photo will be.

    • B. R. P.

      There are no new ones.

  • Nizami Kuliev

    Hello! How to plant this miracle on m4/3? Olympus om-d e-m10 mark iii. Thanks!

  • B. R. P.

    through an appropriate adapter. The article says.

  • Ivan

    On fujifilm XT 30, can you just get by with an m42-fx adapter?

    • Igor

      of course you can.

  • Vladislav

    Hello. Tell me, please, is such a “loop” at the rear lens normal or not?

    • B. R. P.

      Pollution is not the norm. Better to remove.

      • Vladislav

        While I haven’t held this lens in my hands, I plan to look today. Judging by the photo, this is not even pollution, but a foreign body that is pressed with screws.

        • B. R. P.

          It's hard to judge from the photo. In any case, there shouldn't be anything like that. If you yourself can not remove it, it is better not to take it, despite the possibly low price.

        • Alex

          There is no foreign body there. This is the lens block guide, it should be lubricated, and in this place the lubrication simply rubbed off. So, everything is fine in technical terms, but judging by the color of the substance, the lens needs a complete preventive maintenance, i.e. disassembly, washing with gasoline and laying a new lubricant. The main thing is that the lenses are not scratched badly.

  • Irina

    Tell me, please, which adapter is suitable for Sony 7m2? M42 Sony E nex? Thanks

    • B. R. P.

      Yes. Please.

  • Aydar

    Good afternoon, is it possible to clean the lenses of Jupiter 37A from the fungus, is it possible in principle?

    • Rodion

      The method is described here: https://radojuva.com/2022/05/oks-1-30mm-f-3-5/#more-78822

    • Dmitry

      It costs 50 bucks from the strength, throw it away and buy another one. A fungus is a contagious thing for photographic equipment.

      • Rodion

        What for? Here business something - for one evening.

  • Sergei

    Hello. Do Jupiter modifications differ somehow in sharpness and build quality? Which one is better to take?

    • B. R. P.

      Of course. Even instances of the same modification may differ. It is desirable to take a lens that is better preserved. Nominally, the differences between the modifications are insignificant.

      • Sergei

        Thank you.

    • Alex

      Versions differ only in enlightenment, but it’s not worth chasing MS, there’s zero sense in it. The main thing is that the lenses are in order, without traces of rubbing with sandpaper or mold. The sharpness of all modifications is very good, unless someone accidentally turned the rear lens over (and this is easy to do).

      • B. R. P.


      • Sergei

        Thank you. Is it better to take an adapter with a chip or not? How will a lens without a chip behave on my Canon 7d?

        • Alex

          Without a chip, in my opinion, there will be no focus confirmation, so it's better to take a chipped one.

  • Dmitriy

    Tell me, is it possible to do something with sharpness? Everything is super, but aiming clearly is an almost unattainable task

    • Rodion

      close aperture)

    • Dmitry

      Perhaps the rear lens was removed, cleaned, and put back to front.

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Copyright © Radojuva.com. Blog author - Photographer Arkady Shapoval. 2009-2024

English-version of this article https://radojuva.com/en/2011/02/obzor-jupiter-37a-otzuvu-yupiter/comment-page-20/

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