All Viltrox Lenses

All Viltrox Lenses

All Viltrox Lenses

All Viltrox Lenses

For full frame cameras with Full Frame sensor:

  1. Viltrox 16 / 1.8 AF (FE+Z)
  2. Viltrox 20 / 2.8 AF Air (FE + Z + XF, Black/White)
  3. Viltrox 24/1.8AF (overview) (FE+Z)
  4. Viltrox 28 / 1.8 AF  (FE+Z)
  5. Viltrox 28/4.5AF (overview) (FE+XF)
  6. Viltrox 35 / 1.8 AF (FE+Z)
  7. Viltrox 40 / 2.5 AF Air (overview) (FE+Z)
  8. Viltrox 50 / 1.8 AF (FE+Z)
  9. Viltrox 85/1.8AF PFU (FE+XF)
  10. Viltrox 85 / 1.8 AF (RF+Z)
  11. Viltrox 85 / 1.8 AF II (FE+XF)
  12. Viltrox 135 / 1.8 AF (FE)

For cropped cameras with APS-C sensor:

  1. Viltrox 13 / 1.4 AF (X, E, Z)
  2. Viltrox 23 / 1.4 AF (X, E, Z, EF-M)
  3. Viltrox 27/1.2 AF PRO (X, E, Z)
  4. Viltrox 33 / 1.4 AF (X, E, Z, EF-M)
  5. Viltrox 35 / 1.7 AF Air (overview) (X, E, Z)
  6. Viltrox 56/1.4AF (overview) (X, E, Z, EF-M)
  7. Viltrox 56 / 1.7 AF Air (overview) (X, E, Z, Black/White)
  8. Viltrox 75/1.2 AF PRO (X, E, Z)

Cinema lenses (spherical, manual focus only):

  1. 20mm T / 2.0 S (Full Frame, FE, L)
  2. 23mm T / 1.5 S (APS-C, E, MFT)
  3. 33mm T / 1.5 S (APS-C, E, MFT)
  4. 56mm T / 1.5 S (APS-C, E, MFT)

EPIC series cinema lenses (anamorphic, manual focus only, PL mount):

  1. 25mm T2 1.33x
  2. 35mm T2 1.33x
  3. 50mm T2 1.33x
  4. 75mm T2 1.33x
  5. 100mm T2 1.33x

There are also Vitlrox lenses with manual focusing: 7.5 / 2.8 Fish-Eye, 20/1.8, 35/2, 85/1.8 etc. The easiest way to find and buy these lenses is from official Viltrox dealer on Aliexpress.


  • AF - support for auto focus
  • Full Frame – Lens designed for full frame cameras
  • X,XF – there is a version for cameras with bayonet mount FUJIFILM X
  • E – there is a version for cameras with bayonet mount Sony E (APS-C)
  • FE – there is a version for cameras with bayonet mount Sony E / FEdesigned for use primarily on Full Frame
  • Ef-m – there is a version for cameras with bayonet mount Canon EF-M
  • RF - there is a version for cameras with a bayonet mount Canon RF
  • Z – there is a version for cameras with bayonet mount Nikon Z
  • L – there is a version for cameras with bayonet mount Leica l
  • MFT – there is a version for cameras with bayonet mount Micro 4 / 3
  • PRO - lens from Viltrox PRO professional line

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Material prepared Arkady Shapoval.

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Comments: 8, on the topic: All Viltrox lenses

  • Syargei

    Viltrox, for some reason, decided not to label lenses as “full frame” or “crop”, which is not clear.

    • Arkady Shapoval

      They do, but not all of them. Full-frame ones indicate the frame diagonal size in the name as “43,3mm”

  • Vlad

    Somehow, a suspiciously large number of these lenses have appeared on sale at alkh. And all are “new, almost never used” and all with boxes, cases, lids - they look like they are really new, but half the price than in stores. What's the catch here?

    • Rodion

      So, I guess they “cleared customs” of some cargo successfully)

      • Arkady Shapoval

        or as

    • Arkady Shapoval

      They are often available on Alik with huge discounts. People do business

      • Vlad

        This is more like the truth. But now even good and rare lenses sell poorly. Not that it’s g... But flooding the market with goods that are already for a very limited audience will lead to the fact that trade will stop and you will have to sell it even cheaper.

        • Arkady Shapoval

          Personally, I consider Viltroxes to be very successful lenses

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